
Why B2B businesses need to analyse their website data

If you are an owner or MD of a B2B business, analysing your website’s data might not seem like a top priority if you are busy trying to generate more sales or cope with the myriad of other daily challenges. So you might feel like this guy when your marketing agency want to analyse your […]

Thursday, September 26th, 2024


What is a Buyer Persona and why do you need one for your B2B business?

What is a Buyer Persona? A Buyer Persona, also known as an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), is a detailed representation of your ideal client/s. In B2B marketing, it’s essential to create a distinct Buyer Persona for each customer segment or target market. For instance, if your product caters to the construction industry, you might have […]

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024


Using Marketing to Turn B2B Prospects into Customers (infographic)

How Does Marketing Turn Your B2B Prospects into Customers? The journey from prospect to customer in the B2B (business-to-business) world is a gradual process that requires consistent, properly planned marketing. Think of it like planting a seed and nurturing it over time before you see the fruits. Marketing is the nurturing process that helps turn […]

Monday, May 20th, 2024


How to Get Started with Marketing B2B

“We need to start marketing our business but where do we start” If the above statement summarises how you feel about marketing, then this article will give you clear direction on how to begin marketing in an effective way. Notes: This article is relevant if your business sells to other businesses (B2B) and assumes that […]

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024


11 Key Elements of a Good B2B Website

Thinking of Improving your B2B Website? Read This First. by Rosemary Lafferty Read time: 2 minutes If you have decided your website needs a revamp, you may be keen to dive in and start makes changes to it. However, it is extremely important that any major changes to your website are done only after you […]

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023


How to do marketing for B2B products or services – manufacturing or industrial sector

Read time: 4 mins Author: Rosemary Lafferty, Owner of Yellow Ruler Marketing How to Market a Technical or Industrial Product: Simple Steps for Success If you’re a business owner with a highly technical or industrial product or service, you might feel that marketing it is much harder compared to marketing consumer products like clothes, shoes, […]

Monday, May 29th, 2023


Will using AI for content creation negatively affect your rankings on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPS)?

We all now have easy access to artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as Chat GPT to help us speed up content creation for our websites or social media. However, this raises an important question – if you use AI to create your website’s blog posts or website page content, will this negatively affect your rankings […]

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023


What is a Brand Voice and why does it matter?

by Rosemary Lafferty Read time: 2 minutes Thinking about what your business’ brand voice is might not seem like a big priority but it is important to have at least thought through what your brand voice is – i.e. what you want people to think/say about your business, in other words, how your brand or […]

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023


Social Media Marketing Tips for B2B – Video


Thursday, June 16th, 2022


How to Build Brand Awareness on LinkedIn with 30 minutes Weekly Activity

Written by Rosemary Lafferty (Read time: 3 minutes) LinkedIn Activity Recommendations for Brand Awareness LinkedIn can be a very useful, free* tool to build brand awareness, remain “top of mind” in prospects heads and can allow you to build a reputation as an expert in your field if you share good quality content. To do […]

Monday, May 9th, 2022