Tips for creating Regular Posts for your Social Media accounts

How to Maintain a Regular Flow of Good Social Media Posts

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If you are an SME that has recently created a social media account to help your business, you will have found out by now the creation of the social media accounts (by yourself or by an outside agency) is the often easiest part. The following tips will apply regardless of whatever industry you work in.

Maintaining a Regular Flow of Good Posts is Important

The hard part is regularly keeping these accounts “topped up” with regular information/posts/updates that are of interest and use to your customers and prospects. (in this article, we will use the word “content” to mean posts on a Facebook page, updates on a LinkedIn company page, tweets on a Twitter page etc as they are all the same thing.

Ideally, these posts/updates are so good that your followers or those who liked your social media pages will share and “like” this content so that more and more new prospects are being driven to your website every day. (Hopefully, you will also have an eNewsletter or downloadable Guides that visitors to your website will want to sign up to or download so that you can capture some contact details from these prospects)
This will help you achieve many business goals such as increasing the awareness level of your business, providing helpful information to your customers, improving your business’ performances on search engine results pages (known as SERP) etc.

Neglected Social Media Pages Reflect Poorly on your Business

However, we have all seen Facebook, Twitter, Google + pages that began with a flurry of posts when the page first launched but gradually the number of posts dried up completely so that page’s most recent post was 6 months ago. Clearly, this does not create a good impression of this business. Indeed, many people who view this page may wonder if this business still exists. Therefore the challenge is to create content in a systematic, consistent way that won’t require hours of work looking for suitable content.

How can you regularly create content for your social media accounts?

Get organised for content creation

Create a file on your PC or laptop for content. Every time you think of an idea for a useful post, however, half-formed or poorly researched, make a note of it and save it into this file. If you don’t have access to your PC or laptop at that moment, upload it to the cloud or send yourself an email to remind yourself when you do get back to your computer.

Decide on the frequency of your posts.

Make a decision on how often you will post to your website or social media accounts. Try to be consistent. It is better to do good quality content consistently, once a month, for example, than lots of posts in one week and then no posts for months.

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Create a Content Source table before you start.

Content comes mainly from 2 sources – content your company creates or content from outside sources that you “curate”. (Curating content simply means posting information on your website or social media that was written by somebody else. This would, of course, be information, opinion et. that you think would be useful to your customers and prospects. (To avoid copywriting issues, you must give full acknowledgement to the original author.)) I find it useful to create a table of Content Sources in my content file. Therefore, when I come across an article that would be useful to my audience, I will save the link to the article in my content articles file for future use but I will also save the website link where I found the article. Therefore, each month when I set about creating my eNewsletter, I will have a list of websites that I can check out to see if they have any new articles that are of interest to my audience.

Record any customer “pain points” for future content.

“Pain points” are all the things that your customers complain about or cause misunderstanding or stress. None of us likes to spend time thinking about things that have gone wrong or the times that our customers complained or walked away. The good news, however, is that recalling these situations can be a great source of content.

Example of a customer “pain point” 

For example, if you are a printing business, perhaps a previous customer didn’t fully understand that the colour of a signed off proof may not look exactly like the final printed job because the proof and the final printed job are not printed in the same method or on the same paper or cardboard. This customer’s dissatisfaction arose from a lack of understanding about how the nature of proofing and final printed job. Therefore an article explaining how this all works can be very useful as a post and also as a permanent guide on your website that website visitors can download. As with all good content, this article helps the customer to do his or her job better and reduces their “pain”

Regularly ask the salespeople what their customer’s issues are.

The salespeople or customer service staff are one of the best sources of content as they are on the front line – dealing with customers every day.

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Explain to all staff how content is important to your business.

You or the marketing agency you use will need to have an explanatory meeting with all relevant staff to explain how content is important for your business’s marketing and why you want them to keep feeding you information for content. Do not be tempted to skip this step – generating good content is a company-wide job and it is really important that all relevant staff – from the receptionist to MD, understand how it can benefit your company. In most cases, the frontline staff can provide the best content topics.

Monitor your content’s performance.

Check how your posts are performing. All social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter etc.) provide statistics on the number of shares, likes etc. This will be invaluable in guiding your future content choice.

Headlines are very important.

Choose headlines that are clear and address the customer’s pain points. This is extremely important in today’s speedy, information-overloaded world. If the headline doesn’t grab their attention, then your hard work in creating an excellent piece of content may all be in vain.

Book a free consultation with Yellow Ruler Marketing

If you would like a free consultation to discuss your social media planning or any aspect of your sales or marketing, contact Rosemary Lafferty, Yellow Ruler Marketing 086 3061260 or