“About Us” Pages On Websites – Tips

How to Write Text for an About Us Website Page

(Read time: 2 min)

photo of Rosemary Lafferty  Written by Rosemary Lafferty

The About Us website page text is one of the four most read pages on all websites. (The Home Page, Product/Services and the Contact Us page are the other popular pages.)

While you may think that visitors to your website are purely looking for a product or service, remember your website visitors are not “bots”. They are real people, just like you and I. Like most people, your visitors like to know the “humans” behind a business. Therefore, it is important to follow a few tips when creating your “About Us” page.

About Us website page text

Write the text in a conversational way – avoid dry, corporate phrases such as “Our mission, our corporate vision…”. Imagine what you would say if you met somebody in person and they asked you to tell them about your business. Then write this down and use as the text for your “About Us” page.

Include a photograph of yourself or key staff.

Explain why you set up the business, how you get satisfaction from helping your customers.

Include a few sentences about you personally – e.g. what you like to do in your spare time, some other light-hearted information about yourself.

Invite the visitor to contact your business with a “call-to-action” button at the end of the page.

Originally Published January 2019, updated October 2019

Read this excellent article from HubSpot on this topic